Jen Elizabeth A Glowing Recovery Warrior


Jen Elizabeth: A Glowing Recovery Warrior

“Wow, Jen’s interview was truly 5 out of 5 stars….”

–A personal note from Jesse Moskel–

I’ve been around recovery people for a couple decades now, and sometimes feel like I’ve seen it all…

Boy, was I wrong.

In this 2+ hour mega-session, Jen Elizabeth, Recovery Author of a great book, “The Shape of a Woman,” dives deep on the most important topics of recovery today.

Jen’s willingness to discuss:

sexual abuse, trauma, jail, prison, rape, abortion, and all the other drama that comes with heroin, meth and alcohol is both refreshing and critically important.

If you’re at all interested in learning what is possible for you in recovery, you’ll absolutely love this episode.

Jen’s life and testimony is an incredible miracle that renews my hope for the level of healing, redemption and transformation that IS possible in recovery.

Deeply inspiring, profound and enjoyable, this was an incredibly valuable time for me, and hopefully for you, too.


P.S. – At minute 31 Jen tells the story of going to prison, and overwhelmed me with emotion an hour later, when she reveals what her work in sobriety gave her, when she went back in front of the same judge, just a few months ago…

The Best Ways You Can Connect & Support Jen Elizabeth:

  1. Buy Jen’s book, “The Shape of a Woman” on Amazon
  2. Instagram
  3. Facebook
  4. Twitter

On Jen’s spiritual experience in prison:

“Maybe there’s more for me than a locker full of soup.”

At turns hilarious, horrific, and always insightful, Jen’s tales are profound and meaningful, delivered in a such a beautiful way, only possibly by someone who’s truly been to hell on earth, and inexplicably survived.

Watch the interview on Youtube and subscribe to Recovery Authors channel to get notified of other great interviews coming soon.

Don’t miss Jen’s candid explanation for why she claims the three-part photo below is her “before, during and after” recovery shot.